Case Study


LOreal Healthcare Industry Picture

GAMEIN's Virtual Onboarding

Executive Summary

GAMEIN created an innovative

Virtual Reality Onboarding Platform For LOrEal Picture

The VR onboarding program was designed to:

Objective Descriptive Picture

Utilizing virtual reality

Key Features

Accelerated Onboarding:

An immersive curriculum tailored to expedite the learning process.

Live Performance Tracking:

Tools for HR to track new hires' progress and engagement.

Interactive Learning Modules:

Mini games designed to educate on company products, values, and culture.

Remote Accessibility:

The ability for new employees to undergo training from the comfort of their homes.

Virtual Reality Onboarding Platform For LOrEal Picture

The virtual onboarding platform has yielded impressive results:

Onboarding time reduced from 30 days to 60 minutes.

Human resource hours traditionally allocated for training were significantly reduced.

New employees reported higher engagement and retention of information.

HR department observed real-time feedback, allowing for prompt assistance and personalized guidance.


The Virtual Onboarding Platform developed

Previous Case Study

Dubai Municipality